The biannual journal of Philosophy of Religion Research is a peer-reviewed journal established in 2003 by Imam Sadiq University (Tehran, Iran). It publishes articles in all areas of philosophy of religion from different traditions. Regarding the interdisciplinary atmosphere of philosophy of religion, articles in the field of psychology of religion, sociology of religion, cognitive sciences and religion, systematic theology, and the like are warmly welcomed. The journal of Philosophy of Religion Research accepts three kinds of articles: original research articles, review articles, and short articles.
The journal seeks to promote lively discussions and debates for established academics and the wider community, by publishing articles that avoid unnecessary jargon without sacrificing academic rigor. It encourages contributions from newer members of the philosophical community.
It is an Open Access journal, accessible through PhilPapers, and is internationally indexed in Philosopher’s Index, DOJA, and ISC (Islamic World Science Citation Center). We do not charge any publication fee from the authors for the papers to be published in the journal.
Pages 1-23
Mohammad Javad Pashaei; Mahmood Khalilian Shalamzari
Pages 25-42
Hossein Khatibi; Amirabbas Alizamani; Rasoul Rasoulipour
Pages 43-58
Neda Mohajel; Muhammad Asghari
Pages 59-79
Mahdi Sepehri
Pages 81-104
Mohammad Hossein Faryab
Pages 105-128
Mansour Imanpour
Pages 129-152
Atefe Marvi; Abbas Yazdani
Pages 153-176
Ahmad Ebadi; Mohammad Emdadi Masouleh
Pages 177-198
Kazem Hani
Pages 199-220
Hassan Ghanbari Sheikh Shabani
Pages 221-248
Ismaeil Alikhani
Pages 249-270
Ahmad Sadeqi; Mohammad Ali Abdollahi
Number of Volumes: 17
Number of Issues: 31
Nubmer of Articles: 349
Number of Authors: 487
Article View: 737,431
Acceptance Rate: 22
Number of Reviewers: 168