Al-Mufid on the Scope of Inerrancy of the Prophets and Its Inconsistency with Their Knowledge

Document Type : Original Research


1 Lecturer of Islamic philosophy and theology, Payame noor University, Iran

2 Associate professor of Islamic philosophy and theology, Payame noor University, Iran


Along with other Islamic theologians and philosophers, al-Shaykh al-Mufid believes in the inerrancy of prophets as far as it is related to the claim of prophethood, as well as reception and presentation of revelation and contends that they cannot commit sin in these areas whether consciously or unconsciously. In areas other than those related to their prophecy, though, he believes that while they are all inerrant in almost every realm, before their being chosen, prophets other than Muhammad might have inadvertently committed minor sins which do not humiliate them. On the other hand, al-Mufid considers the prophets to be aware of divine commands and aware of the consequences of (dis)obeying them. One might object that belief in the prophets’ knowledge of divine commands is incompatible with the belief that they have committed sins. I will argue that based on the philosophical principle of gradation of knowledge and inerrancy, as well as the scriptural arguments for gradation of prophecy, the prima facie contradiction in al-Mufid's ideas on prophets’ knowledge and inerrancy can be resolved.


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