The Process of Developing Methodological Naturalism in Western Thought

Document Type : Original Research


1 Ph.D. student of philosophy of religion, Imam Khomeini Institute of Education and Research, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant professor at the department of kalam and philosophy of religion, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute, Qom, Iran,


The methodological naturalism, ie, the elimination of the Supernatural causes in the explanation of nature, what is the situation in the history of Western thought, and in which process was recognized as the main feature of the new science? With the historical study of Western thinking, it becomes clear that the roots of methodological naturalism reach the end of the period of myth and the beginning of philosophical thinking. In ancient Greece, with the exception of Plotinus and, to a certain extent, Plato, the dominant discourse in the recognition of nature, was a natural cause. In the early Middle Ages, due to the tendency toward Plato and Plotinus, supra-nationalism and the revelation of knowledge were the method of scientists in understanding nature. But in the late Middle Ages, for the sake of Aristotle's influence, the naturalistic approach returned to the scientific space of the West. With the critique of Aristotle in the Renaissance and the scientific revolution in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a new method of methodological naturalism was accepted as a method of science. Classic physics, with a deistic view of the universe and the theory of evolution, with the exclusion of any divine design and discipline, established new naturalism in the scientific space, and this characteristic is still recognized as the paradigm of science.


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