The Relation between Prophetic Nation and Practical Wisdom in Al-Farabi’s Thought

Document Type : Original Research


Ph.D. in Islamic philosophy and hikmah, advanced-level student at Qom Seminary, postdoctoral researcher of Islamic philosophy


The study of the relations between religion and philosophy has a long history in the works of Muslim philosophers. Al-Farabi may be considered the pioneer of Muslim philosophers in presenting a coherent and comprehensive theory of the relations between religion and philosophy. Believing in the unity of the doctrines of these two systems of thought, he views religion as a manifestation of teaching and adopting of wisdom. Practical wisdom, as part of the absolute wisdom that speaks the language of truth and demonstrative proof (Burhan), is no exception. In the same vein, he regards the religious teachings of human voluntary actions as the doctrines of practical wisdom, which are instilled in the language of allegory and persuasion, introducing the practical aspect of religion, the Shari'a, as the philosophical teachings in regard with regional and temporal circumstances. He attempts to explain the validity, inclusiveness, and durability of the teachings of the Shari'a by elaborating trans-historical and supernatural elements. He, therefore, secures the validity and inclusiveness of the religious doctrines through revelation and guarantees the survival of shari'a by introducing jurisprudence (Fighaha) as a complementary part for concluding prophethood.


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