Document Type : Original Research
1 Assistant Professor at the Department of Islamic Philosophy and Kalam, Payame Noor University, Iran
2 PhD Student of Philosophy of Religion, Payame Noor University, Iran
As an English analytic philosopher, Stace considers religion to be identical with mysticism and mystical experience to be its core. According to him, mystical experiences and thus religious propositions are ineffable. Existence consists of temporal and eternal realms each of which has its special language. While the temporal world is the realm of finite reason, religion belongs to the eternal level that can be perceived only by intuition. Religious language is symbolic. Symbolic proposition is not a report of reality, but its function is to stimulate religious emotions in believers and to bring about religious experience. In this article, I shall begin by explaining Stace’s notions of religion, reason and mysticism. I shall, then, describe Stace’s analysis of the symbolic language of religion with reference to its function, that is, stimulation of experience and religious emotions in believers. Finally, I will explore the epistemological foundations of Stace’s theory of religious language.