Ontological Dependence of Morality on Religion



Faculty Member of Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, Qom, Iran


The variants of semantic, realization-based, demonstrative, and motivational and … relations between religion and ethics has long been the focus of attention among thinkers, at least from Plato onwards. For both areas undertake the prosperity and happiness of the mundane human beings, and they establish different foundations, based on the extent to which they are needless to, or in need of, one another. According to one formulation and with arguments as God’s absolute sovereignty, God’s creativeness, subsistence of accident with accident and ascription of actions to opposite attribute the exemplification of moral values and norms are contingent upon a series of religious propositions. However, ontological dependence of morality to religion, even in its more modest versions, that for example God is the legislator of moral laws, cannot overcome the troubles and criticisms like the arbitrariness of ethical attributes.


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