Revelation's Nature in Avicenna's Thought

Document Type : Original Research


Assistant Professor of Theology Department, Azarbaijan Tarbiat Moalem, Tabriz, Iran


Revelation is one of the problems in the study of religion and has
dedicated one of the main chapters in new theology and philosophy of
religion and analyzes under the title of "religious experience". Also Muslim
philosophers, theologians and interpreters have studied this subject from
different perspectives. This essay is going to explain the ideas of Avicenna,
of the greater Muslim philosophers, whom ideas are the pivotal of the all
rationalist Muslim philosophers in Islamic world.
Avicenna has studied methodologically and structurally revelation
phenomenon according to his philosophical system. In his view, Rooh-alQudus or Revelation's Angle is active intellect which is the source of sciences
and knowledge. Revelation's receiver is rational aspect of prophet which is
his stage of sacred intellect that in the light of inherent ability and existential
evolution has reached to the special connection to the active intellect.
According to this view, prophet's soul in the stage of sacred intellect connect
to the active intellect and his evolved imagination receives the results of this
connection and give it size and dimension as an image. Then these
imaginational forms go to the shared sense and represent in prophet's senses.



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