Document Type : Original Research
Assistant professor at Department of philosophy at Faculty of Theology, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran
This article is divided into two parts . In the first philosophical analysis is discussed from view-point of western philosophers . They present three type of philosophical analysis : Decompositional analysis , Regressive analysis and Interpretational analysis . decopositional analysis is a method of investigation of the sort that based on exploration of one hole - like conceptional ones - so that to pay attention to its parts and the way of its combination make the attestation of the proposition it included possible . Regressive analysisis the examination of the all ( near and far ) premises of one combined arguments that finally leads to confirmation of given proposition . interpretational analysis is the interpration of one or more propositions or concepts , by means of wich the truth of given proposition can be shown . in the second part , it is pointed out that muslim philosophers have used of these three types of analysis .
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