Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Main aims in Kant's critical philosophy are considering three problems. Knowledge, ethics and aesthetics are three human impressing problems and three dimensions of human being. Kant examined all of them in three main books. In Critique of Pure Reason, he considers knowledge, its necessaries and limits. He wants to explain Induction and its nature. But Induction needs other items. One of these items is "principle of uniformity of nature". Kant surveys this mater in Critique of Judgment and in judgments of aesthetics. This paper wants to answer two questions. 1) How does Kant examine the foundation of induction and natural science by reflective judgment of aesthetics? 2) Does he success in this project? In this paper, for answering these questions, we use Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Judgment and some explanation's books.