1 Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
2 MA of Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
Nowadays discovering the meaning and aim of life is one of the most concerned issues. Is our world created according to a specified aim? If it is so, what is it? Should we study the human's aim of life according to the aim of created world or should it be studied separately? The life of these questions is as long as the beginning of human thought. This article involves Dostoevsky's perspective as a theist to this issue. Some of the main questions that get answers through discussion in this article are: What is Dostoevsky's idea about meaning of life? What is the role of human being in discovering the meaning of life? What is the role of belief in God and morality in giving meaning to life? Can we create the meaning of our life without considering a transcendent reality? According to Dostoevsky our life has an intrinsic meaning and our belief in God and morality lead us to find that meaning. He believes that all men are seeking higher level of moral life and without any doubt they are seeking God knowing that any mistake may lead them to indirection. Any human being knows that his life is meaningless without God so he feels the need of divine guidance. Acting with accordance to moral conscience gives men a sense of satisfaction which leads him to find the correct meaning of life.