The Mu'tazilite Qadi Abdul-Jabbar and Richard Swinburne on the Agent of Miracles



1 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Bandar abbas Branch, Bandar Abbas, Iran

2 Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Different views, so far, have been presented about the agent of miracles. Some theologians regard God as the agent of miracles and many others have accepted the attribution of miracles to prophets as well as the righteous. The Mu'tazilite Qadi AbdulJabbar considers God as well as the prophets as the agents of miracles. Swinburne shares the same viewpoint. Although both thinkers have similar views in this regard, Abdul-Jabbar’s viewpoint associated with several arguments seems more supported with evidents. Accordingly, it can be claimed that Muslims’ theological tradition, especially in issues related to miracles, is equivalent to and even deeper and more accurate than contemporary Christian theology.


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