The Role of Fitrah in the Argumentation for the Existence of God from Shahabadi's Perspective



Assistant Professor of Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


This article is going to trace the important subject of the affection of non-cognitive realms of the soul on its cognitive realm which is one of the current discussions in contemporary epistemology, with regard to some of al-Ghazali’s typical ideas. Al-Ghazali is one of the greatest thinkers who maintains the interaction between soul’s realms.
These typical ideas are as follows: his belief in the impact of goals on the quality of forming cognitive realm, the impact of feelings and wills on the quality of mind’s function, the impact of estimation on believing, his view about the origin of wellknown premises (mashhurat) and the roots of imitated beliefs. Through these ideas it has been shown that how human being’s feelings and wills affects his beliefs according to al-Ghazali.


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