Averroes, Divine Action and Al-Vahid Rule



1 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, of Dezful, Dezful, Iran

2 Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Al-Vahid rule is one of the most important philosophical rules which is supposed to be derived from the Neoplatonism. In his different works, Averroes has dealt with Al-Vahid rule and has tried to define the way of God’s acting and the problem of "Emanation". In his works, we can observe explicitly two different approaches to the Al-Vahid rule. It can be extracted that in his first works he defended this rule and, surprisingly, in his last works refused it. In a book like Talkhis Kitab al-Maba’ad altabiaah, he, like other Muslim peripatetic philosophers, believes in the hierarchy of intellects based on which the act of God is appeared as creation of hierarchal intellects in the universe. In spite of this, he, in books like Tahfut al-Tahafut and Tafsir Kitab al-Maba’ad al-tabiaah, has refused this rule and does not believe in the emanation of separated intellects’ hierarchal system from the first Being.


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